Nicole Jackson miller

Nicole Jackson Miller

Operational Consultant
Creative Project Manager
Life long learner


When you’re great at what you do referrals flow to you, clients love you, and business booms.

But that boom requires you to grow as a leader, manager and person too!

Hi, I’m Nicole. I help Business Owners delegate client delivery + team management so they can remove themselves as a bottleneck (and get out of their team’s way!)

Whether you have an agency, online education business or corporate organization, we can help you uplevel your Operations to work better for ALL your people -- your clients, your team and yourself too! 

Take a look at our intro program ACCELERATOR or our signature program AGENCYfor customized support!



- Megan Baker

"I was able to take maternity leave, go on vacation and remove myself from most of my client calls."

- Tasha Booth

"I'm now generating multi-revenue streams, my team is handling our done-for-you services and I’m excited to continue to scale my business!"

- Sarah Fox

“Now, I’m only involved in about 10% of client deliverables and have time to work on my novel!”

- Michelle Sanchez

“I went from working all the time to about 15 - 20 hours per week (NO weekends!) I'm also now building a team in a more intentional way.”

- Latasha Doyle

“I’ve shifted to almost 90% of all content/copy being created by my team. This allows me to be the strategic brain, rather than the typing fingers, in my business.”